If your style preference is more contemporary and minimal then you may wish to consider a modern sofa. Designed with comfort and style in mind, these sofas can range from straight lines, low seating, organic shapes - often with a nod to Scandinavian and Japanese design influences - delivering a real statement piece in your home.
85 products
cognac refine leather
clay 12
twill weave 990
remix 123
black refine leather
beige refine leather
remix 163
fiord 961
fiord 101
fiord 151
fiord 551
fiord 201
fiord 451
vidar 554
steelcut trio 133
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
clara 248
divina md 213-natural
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
vidar 733
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
lambeth main line flax 08
sand boucle
off-white boucle
off-white wool boucle
sugar kelp wool boucle
tonus 364
tonus 135
natural wool boucle
off white nordic boucle
soft boucle natural
soft boucle off white sand
soft boucle dark brown
grey soft
off white soft
sand soft
light grey confetti boucle
sheepskin moonlight
shadwell main line flax 63
upminster main line flax 20
bank main line flax 23
tonus 464
sheepskin sahara
pine rich velvet
honey rich velvet
beige rich velvet
soft brown rich velvet
rust rich velvet
off-white boucle
off-white soft
sand soft
grey soft
off-white wool boucle
sugar kelp wool boucle
sand boucle
off white nordic boucle
soft boucle off white sand
soft boucle natural
soft boucle dark brown
light grey confetti boucle
natural wool boucle
bank main line flax 23
upminster main line flax 20
shadwell main line flax 63
tonus 464
tonus 135
pine rich velvet
honey rich velvet
beige rich velvet
soft brown rich velvet
rust rich velvet
sheepskin moonlight
soft boucle natural
soft boucle off white sand
shadwell main line flax 63
upminster main line flax 20
off white boucle
off-white soft
off-white wool boucle
light grey confetti boucle
natural wool boucle
sugar kelp wool boucle
sand soft
sand boucle
grey soft
tonus 135
tonus 364
off white nordic boucle
soft boucle dark brown
bank main line flax 23
tonus 464
sheepskin sahara
pine rich velvet
honey rich velvet
beige rich velvet
soft brown rich velvet
rust rich velvet
off white boucle
sand boucle
off-white wool boucle
sugar kelp wool boucle
sand soft
off-white soft
grey soft
tonus 364
off white nordic boucle
soft boucle off white sand
soft boucle natural
soft boucle dark brown
natural wool boucle
light grey confetti boucle
bank main line flax 23
upminster main line flax 20
shadwell main line flax 63
tonus 464
tonus 135
pine rich velvet
honey rich velvet
beige rich velvet
soft brown rich velvet
rust rich velvet
fiord 151
fiord 451
fiord 961
fiord 551
fiord 201
cognac refine leather
black refine leather
beige refine leather
remix 163
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
divina md 213-natural
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
vidar 733
vidar 554
clay 12
twill weave 990
fiord 101
remix 123
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
tonus 464
tonus 364
tonus 135
off-white soft
sand soft
grey soft
off-white boucle
sand boucle
sugar kelp wool boucle
off-white wool boucle
light grey confetti boucle
off white nordic boucle
soft boucle off white sand
soft boucle natural
soft boucle dark brown
natural wool boucle
bank main line flax 23
upminster main line flax 20
shadwell main line flax 63
pine rich velvet
honey rich velvet
beige rich velvet
soft brown rich velvet
rust rich velvet
cognac refine leather
beige refine leather
black refine leather
fiord 961
fiord 551
fiord 151
fiord 451
fiord 201
steelcut trio 133
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
divina md 213-natural
remix 163
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
vidar 554
ecriture 240
remix 123
twill weave 990
clay 12
vidar 733
fiord 101
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
ecriture 240
cognac refine leather
beige refine leather
black refine leather
fiord 961
fiord 551
fiord 151
fiord 451
fiord 201
fiord 101
steelcut trio 133
divina md 213-natural
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
vidar 554
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
remix 163
clay 12
twill weave 990
vidar 733
remix 123
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
vidar 554
clay 12
twill weave 990
cognac refine leather
black refine leather
beige refine leather
fiord 551
fiord 101
fiord 961
fiord 151
fiord 201
fiord 451
steelcut trio 133
clara 248
canvas 576-red
canvas 684-blue
divina md 213-natural
remix 163
remix 123
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
hallingdal 166
vidar 733
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
fiord 101
fiord 551
fiord 151
fiord 961
fiord 201
fiord 451
remix 163
steelcut trio 133
black refine leather
cognac refine leather
beige refine leather
remix 123
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
divina md 213-natural
twill weave 990
clay 12
vidar 554
vidar 733
clara 248
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
twill weave 990
clara 248
remix 163
cognac refine leather
beige refine leather
black refine leather
fiord 961
fiord 151
fiord 551
fiord 451
fiord 101
fiord 201
steelcut trio 133
canvas 576-red
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 457
hallingdal 407
canvas 684-blue
divina md 213-natural
remix 123
vidar 554
vidar 733
clay 12
ecriture 240