Enjoy 20% off Muuto Outline sofas!
From 2 seaters, 3 seaters, corners and modulars there's something for everyone. With lots of fabrics to choose from you can create something bespoke to you.
Valid until 27th November.
10 products
cognac refine leather
clay 12
twill weave 990
remix 123
black refine leather
beige refine leather
remix 163
fiord 961
fiord 101
fiord 151
fiord 551
fiord 201
fiord 451
vidar 554
steelcut trio 133
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
clara 248
divina md 213-natural
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
vidar 733
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
twill weave 990
clara 248
remix 163
cognac refine leather
beige refine leather
black refine leather
fiord 961
fiord 151
fiord 551
fiord 451
fiord 101
fiord 201
steelcut trio 133
canvas 576-red
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 457
hallingdal 407
canvas 684-blue
divina md 213-natural
remix 123
vidar 554
vidar 733
clay 12
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
fiord 101
fiord 551
fiord 151
fiord 961
fiord 201
fiord 451
remix 163
steelcut trio 133
black refine leather
cognac refine leather
beige refine leather
remix 123
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
divina md 213-natural
twill weave 990
clay 12
vidar 554
vidar 733
clara 248
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
vidar 554
clay 12
twill weave 990
cognac refine leather
black refine leather
beige refine leather
fiord 551
fiord 101
fiord 961
fiord 151
fiord 201
fiord 451
steelcut trio 133
clara 248
canvas 576-red
canvas 684-blue
divina md 213-natural
remix 163
remix 123
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
hallingdal 166
vidar 733
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
vidar 554
remix 163
fiord 961
fiord 151
fiord 551
fiord 451
fiord 201
cognac refine leather
black refine leather
beige refine leather
steelcut trio 133
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
divina md 213-natural
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
vidar 733
remix 123
fiord 101
clay 12
twill weave 990
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
remix 163
divina md 213-natural
vidar 733
cognac refine leather
black refine leather
beige refine leather
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
fiord 961
fiord 151
fiord 551
fiord 451
fiord 201
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
vidar 554
fiord 101
remix 123
twill weave 990
clay 12
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
fiord 151
fiord 451
fiord 961
fiord 551
fiord 201
cognac refine leather
black refine leather
beige refine leather
remix 163
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
divina md 213-natural
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
vidar 733
vidar 554
clay 12
twill weave 990
fiord 101
remix 123
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
remix 123
remix 163
fiord 151
fiord 961
fiord 551
fiord 201
fiord 451
fiord 101
steelcut trio 133
cognac refine leather
black refine leather
beige refine leather
vidar 554
vidar 733
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
twill weave 990
divina md-213 natural
clay 12
ecriture 240
camel grace leather
grey grace leather
ecriture 240
cognac refine leather
beige refine leather
black refine leather
fiord 961
fiord 551
fiord 151
fiord 451
fiord 201
fiord 101
steelcut trio 133
divina md 213-natural
clara 248
canvas 684-blue
canvas 576-red
vidar 554
hallingdal 166
hallingdal 407
hallingdal 457
remix 163
clay 12
twill weave 990
vidar 733
remix 123
camel grace leather
grey grace leather